The Behavioural Continuation Systems’ role is to maintain a desired behaviour once it has been started and help finish a task.

The Behavioural Activation Systems’ role is to recognise rewards and motivate our behaviour towards them.

The Behavioural Inhibition Systems’ role is to recognise negative outcomes, such as punishment or frustration, and motivate us to avoid them.
Deep Sphere provides accessible and accurate self knowledge for individuals, teams and organisations to unlock performance.
Based on the latest peer-reviewed neuroscience research and optimised for assessment speed and predictiveness with over half a million people, Deep Sphere reveals unparalleled insight into human nature and behaviour.
So you can know yourself, uncover the hidden drivers of your decisions and shape your outcomes.
Let’s take a look at those layers
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At the deepest, most stable, and predictive layer lie the Primal Emotion Systems. These systems form the neurobiological foundation of personality, ingrained in the human genome as evolutionary memories crucial for survival and functioning.
While everyone possesses these primal emotion systems, the individual activation levels vary, forming the basis for differences in personality at the core.
The final layer refers to our values. Values are life-guiding principles adopted based on our learnings, experiences and interpretations as part of our upbringing, culture and wider context. Alongside our Primal Emotions Systems and their top-down control, our values also play an important role in shaping our personality and decision making.
Finally, the summary type represents a holistic view of who we are with all the above layers taken into account and reflects strategies we’ve learned through life that help us reflect both nature and nurture.
Beyond our inherent nature, shaped by genetic traits, we are significantly influenced by our acquired abilities for self-control and emotional regulation. This executive function occurs through the prefrontal cortex, responsible for higher cognition, emotion regulation, and planning. Self-regulation and control impact various aspects of life, including career success, health, relationships, and overall well-being.
The prefrontal cortex is made up of three separate behavioural systems, which each play a unique role in regulating our emotions and determining our behaviours: Behavioural Activation System, Behavioural Inhibition System and Behavioural Continuation System.